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Taking Back Your Health
and Happiness

Hope and Healing from Chronic Pain and Suffering, Fatigue, & Illness

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"A moment of clarity is a moment of peace."

- Marie Anne June Tagorda

Having pain, fatigue, invisible illness/disability, or chronic illness?

Do you feel stuck, empty, or misunderstood?


Do you feel trapped in your own body? In your own life? 

...that whatever you do, nothing seems to work ? Or if it does work, it'll only be good for a few days, then you go back in the same place you started, & the cycle begins?

Going to doctors and many different specialists, but still unhappy?


Are you wary or sensitive to medications, making it a challenge to find what works well?

Do you feel powerless or hopeless, that whatever you decide, nothing seems to work?

Do you find yourself often tired and fatigued, have a hard time clearing your mind and not getting proper rest or sleep?

If you are going through this, I say...You are not alone! 


It's about time we clear whatever is holding you back from your own healing, identify the root cause, and start fresh, with a clear direction, and a workable plan of action.  Overcome whatever blockages that's stopping you from healing and living the life you want. 

Are you ready to take back your health and happiness?

My name is Marie Anne June Tagorda


My clients know me as Pachamama (Earth, time, mother). 

In my experience as a healer for most of my life, I've worked with people with all sorts of ailments and illness, & 99.9% of the time, many go through mental and emotional strain, and even more so to their immediate loved ones. 

Let me share one of the most significant things that I do and that you could do too that works... is clearing the energy. What does that mean?

How do you do this? It takes skill, experience, & the ability to connect. 

Another that I do is what I call, the Energy Shock Method.  It's when I acknowledge the main problem, & it shocks the client or patient because no one has brought up something they need to connect with or think about. 

You see, when you are speaking on a spirit/soul level, the truth is shown in full display in a space of non-judgment, acceptance, & love. That is a when accelerated healing begins, which can manifest in physical form.

 "What if I told you that your own body could be convinced to put itself back together in all sorts of ways?...

I know how to reorient the spirit to better heal the body."  - The Ancient One (Dr. Strange)

You can get there. We all have the capability.  We just weren't taught this in traditional schools. There are principles and steps in building your own path of healing.  

There's so much you can do... more than your mind can even fathom.

How do I know this?!  Not only have I been a healer but it is also something I went through myself. 

A reset is in order. 

A renewal is possible. 

A choice is inevitable. 

What will it be?

Are you Ready to clear the energies that are holding you back?

Ready to have a renewed life of healing, hope and happiness?

It's time to Heal, Be Free, and Feel good!

Time to take back your Health and Happiness.


I'm sharing more on an online class. It's FREE, so come join. 

Let me tell you.. your feelings right now are valid and they are a sign, symptom, & message for you that you are more than ready to begin a renewed life of joy, wonder, meaning, and direction. 

Wait ~ there's more! 

Come join us on a FREE ONLINE CLASS. 

"It is the intention and focus you put into the action that creates a space of healing

if you choose it."

- Marie Anne June Tagorda


Happiness is the highest form of health.

- Dalai Lama


Your suffering and illness does not define you! 

You have the power to take back your health and happiness!

For A Curated Customized Healing Experience: 

Schedule an appointment to speak with a specialist.


“I had never had a spiritual reading before and didn't really know what to expect.  She gave me a reading that blew me away.  It was like she knew parts of me and things about me that I didn't even share with her. She tapped into my desires, fears and blocks; some that I didn't even know I had.  Her level of intuition is off the charts.  Then she offers suggestions that aren't overwhelming.  I will continue to use her as my spiritual guide.  Love you and thank you so much.”

Rasheedah L.

Taking Back Your Health and Happiness -Final Book Cover - MJ.jpg

Amazon Bestselling Author
Taking Back Your Health and Happiness

“This book has aided me is self-reflecting on the things I consider important in my life. It is true that we neglect our personal well-being. I completely agree with the author, we have to concentrate on our personal needs first. This book has demonstrated to me that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of being wise to be the best me. The steps provided in this book has demonstrated to me on how to become a happier and healthier me!”


The services or products offered and the information provided in the sessions should be used with your discernment and responsibility. They do not intend to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease, mental or medical illness. They are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, therapy, substance abuse treatment or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals. 

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